Saturday, October 16, 2010

New Items on the Website!

I have finally uploaded to the website a lot of new books that we have for sale. And . . . most are now on sale. I had acquired a batch of Mary Fabian Windeatt books from another book dealer and we finally have those for titles in both new and used condition on the website.

We also are selling the saint stories that are being reprinted by Mary's Books from the popular Dujarie publishers of the past.

We're pleased to offer two new books from Catholic Artworks: Mary and the 50 States and St. John Neumann.

AND, as a pre-Christmas special, we have all of our picture books on sale now!!

And finally . . . be on the lookout for the sequel to the very popular Father Brown Reader! Here is a sneak peak at the cover for The Father Brown Reader II: More Stories from Chesterton adapted by Nancy Carpentier Brown and illustrated by Ted Schluenderfritz. Coming soon!!!