Well, we have two of our new books for 2012 ready to go . . . sort of. We have a beta version of the Hillside edition of
Mondays with Mary by Meredith Henning now available. This is an 8.5 x 11 book with coil binding. The final version will be 8 x 10 and perfect bound. But we think you'll like this current version!! For those of you who are not familiar with this book, it's a series of "tea times" to share with children focused on growing in devotion to Our Blessed Mother. Each tea time includes some thoughts for discussion, activity suggestions, and recipes.

Here is what we added for the second edition of Meredith's beautiful book: child-sized coloring pages at the beginning of each section (these can photocopied and used in your activity sessions); an appendix with the recipes so you can clip them out or reference them easily; and an appendix with the activities listed in chronological order. In the main part of the text, the activities are organized by the Litany of Loreto, so activities for
Holy Mary, pray for us come first in the book even though the feast day Meredith chose for that one is the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary on September 12. This could be confusing as you try to use the ideas, so we made a handy list of the activities in order by the calendar year.
So while
this book is available, we are still tweaking it for the final version.
The second book we have ready is
Simon Brute and Western Adventure by Elizabeth Bartelme. We have long wanted to bring this title back in print and so excited to finally have it available. Read all about it
on the website.
The other two for 2012--
The King's Gambit by John McNichol and
Natural Science Through the Seasons by James A Partridge-- are still in the works. We know you'll find them worth the wait!!