Friday, February 16, 2007

New for the Spring

We have a lot of books in the works right now, but these four are in production now.

The Father Brown Reader
The first one coming out by April is a book with 4 short story adaptations of Chesterton's Father Brown mysteries. It is intended for a middle grade reader (ags 8-11) or to be read aloud to younger children. Author Nancy Carpentier Brown adapted "The Blue Cross," "The Queer Feet" (called "The Strange Feet" in our version), "The Flying Stars," and "The Absence of Mr. Glass." Ted Schluenderfritz has provided the illustrations. This will be a great book for gift giving!

Intermediate Language Lessons
Yes, we are finally moving ahead with this text. We hope to have it ready for the coming school year. (Please continue to check this blog for updates.) Our version is aligned with the Mother of Divine Grace Syllabi for 4th and 5th grade and includes a completely revised Part 3 that can be used in 6th grade.

Christmas Mosaic
Cay Gibson is at work again, this time preparing a mosaic for experiencing the Advent and Christmas seasons through picture books. The book will include study guides for 20 featured children's books as well as a comprehensive annotated list of other Christmas book resources. Available this summer, possibly sooner.

Sacerdos: The Story of Sir Melchisedech and the Knight of the Holy Mountain
This fairy tale written and illustrated by Sean Fitzpatrick is an allegory of the Mass. It is intended as a middle grade reader or to be read aloud to younger children; available by Christmas time (or sooner!).

We also have a few other things that we are working on, but it may take longer to find the "resources" to get them in print:

Fabiola (edited version recommended in the Mother of Divine Grace Syllabus)
Lives from Plutarch: The Modern American Edition of Twelve Lives by John McFarland
The King's Thane by Charles Brady
The Mass for Children (reprint of a 1925 Mass book)

We appreciate your continued interest in Hillside Education!

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