Monday, April 02, 2012

Available now for preorder!

You can now preorder a copy of Sarah Park's Twenty-Six Letters to Heaven: A Catholic Preschool Curriculum! Introductory price of $22.99 is available until April 19th. Retail price after April 19th is 29.99.

We've included supplemental coloring pages--a saint for each letter of the alphabet.

Click here to read all about it and place your order!


Amanda said...

Is this consumable? I'd be using for 4 year old twins.

Hillside Education said...

Not consumable - a resource for the teacher. Very easy to do with two!! or ten!!

You can photocopy the coloring pages for your own family.
Thanks for asking!!

Unknown said...

Hi, there! Do you have a downloadable version of this available? :) We're based in the Philippines and downloading the book would be SOOOO much easier for us. :) Thanks! God bless!

Hillside Education said...

Hi Tina,
Please email me directly at sales at hillsideeducation dot com

@ Hillside