Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Natural Science Through the Seasons: 100 Teaching Units

We are so excited about publishing this book, we can hardly sit still and wait for the last few production steps. But, I am pleased to announce that we are sending it to the printer at the end of the week and will be able to ship by the end of the following week.

So what did we do in our edition of the book?? We left most everything intact from the first edition, but some of the images needed replacing--and we found some wonderful nature images to include. I think you will love the visual part of the book. We also added new resource listings for each unit. Most of those listed in the 1950 edition are impossible to find. We thought it was important to leave those in, but we added some new books for each unit and when appropriate a few Internet sources.

We will be offering a purchase incentive in the next two weeks - so please check our website to learn about what we're offering.


Jennifer Gregory Miller said...

I am so thrilled! How long, do you think? I might make this required reading for our nature study club!

Ellen said...

I went to the website & filled in my info about preordering this, however when I try to log on, it gives me an error message. And I'm unable to see my cart or continue.

How did you get permission to republish this book? I've been borrowing a copy from the library repeatedly and hoping to buy one for myself. So this is a great resource.

Hillside Education said...

HI Ellen,
Sorry you are having trouble ordering this book.
please email me at sales at hillsideeducation dot com
@ Hillside

Kimberly Lottman said...

I likewise have been trying for two days to purchase a copy of the book but every time I click add to cart it just goes back to the welcome screen. I've emailed you, but haven't heard from anyone. Can you help me?

Hillside Education said...

Sorry The Nester,
I don't see an email from you. Please see the new blog post with instructions for ordering the book.
Sorry for the hassle!!

Ellen said...

I did end up ordering it. I noticed that when I set up an account, I did not at first click on the Subscribe to your newsletter area. I kept on going back to the sign in page and it told me they couldn't find my account info (user name & password). So then I clicked OK to Subscribe to your newsletter and tried to sign back in. It worked! I went to another page where it recognized my user name & password. Don't know if that's it or not.

Anyway, I did manage to finally order a copy so thank you.